Project Overview

Project Team: Anika Gupta (UX Designer) and Arushi Gupta (Developer)

Background: We participated in Google's Gemini API Hackathon which wanted competitors to create an app that uses Gemini to brilliantly showcases AI in a way that is both meaningful and impactful.


Interaction Design

Rapid Prototyping

UX Research


1 - 2 months Worked 4-5x a Week



Google AI Studio

Our Problem: While numerous meal suggestion platforms exist, most are tailored specifically for weight loss, leaving a large user group—those simply seeking inspiration for everyday meals—often overlooked.

Our Solution: Nutria is a meal suggestion platform for everyone, offering personalized recipes based on your preferences, ingredients, and cooking skills. Whether you need quick dinner ideas or want to try something new, Nutria simplifies everyday cooking with tailored, easy-to-follow recipes.

My Role:

Competitive UI Analysis, UX Research, Affinity Diagramming, Ideation, Wireframing, Prototyping






Design Process

Brainstorming Problem Statements and Solutions

Organize Information Architecture of App

Making the Design for the App

Looking for Errors in the Design



What are problems we can solve with AI?

Our Ideas:

  • Journalling app which auto suggests prompts

  • Personality app which recommends best habits for your type

  • Meal suggestion app which helps you decide on meals


My sister and I really liked the idea of meal suggestions since it solved a need that many people around us were struggling with. Our grandpa having diabetes and dad wanting to follow a low-carb diet, we decided that this idea would be most useful. We called the app Nutria (stands for Nutrional Assistant).

Testing Gemini Menu Input Feature:

Gemini Prompt Engineering:

I generated a list of questions that we could use to generate the perfect meal plan

  • Allergies/Intolerances

  • Diet (Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-Veg)

  • Cuisine Preferences

  • Dry or Oily skin? Acne Issues

  • Gain weight or Lose weight

  • How has your gut health been?

  • Current health conditions

  • How comfortable are you with cooking?

Using Google AI Studio:

Narrowed down the functionalities of the app

  • Generates meal plan for user

  • Input a menu and it generates a meal option

  • Input ingredients picture and it gives meal option


How will this app be structured to achieve its function?


low Diagram

Main App Features:

  • Meal Generator

  • Saved Favorite Recipes

  • Nutria Chat

  • Modes (Dessert, Snack, Restuarant Finder etc.)

  • Accessibility (font increase and decrease)

According to the time of day the home screen will generate a meal.

  • Breakfast Foods in the morning

  • Lunch Recommendations midday

  • Dinner in the evening

What I learned:

Stay open to iterating on your user flow, and actively seek feedback by having others walk through your designs. This process can reveal insights you might not have considered.

Collaborating closely with developers ensures that your design is accurately tested and effectively implemented in the final product. Making sure to test before handing off the designs to the developer ensures a smoother end result. Embrace the inevitable changes that arise, and use feedback as a tool to continually enhance your design.

What I did differently:

I was more mindful with every activity I was doing such as reducing bias in testing, working closely with the developer and making dev notes to them. I was working quickly but also taking in feedback to make the design better.

Our Demo

This is the final video I filmed and edited to submit to the hackathon.

Here is a link if you'd like to try out Nutria: click here

What works well:

  • Simple intuitive UI

  • Customizable

  • Features are very useful

  • Accessibility feature is good

  • Easy Navigation


What improvements can be made to design?


  • sign in with google

  • input preferences in form

  • add recipes to favorites

  • chat with Nutria

  • locate the modes

  • use accessibility feature

Participants: 10 people were interviewed (friends and family) in their natural environment

Reduced hawthorne effect by giving the participant tasks and then not observing them as they complete them, allowing them to give responses at the end.

One generated example for a user test:

Potential Improvements:

  • Slow Performance due to too many features

  • Doesn't cater to different languages

  • Social sharing options

  • Don't list ingredients and method directly from AI because those recipes aren't tried and tested

Overall Findings

Average app rating: 4.5/5


How will the app look? Design, font, colors?

Wireframes (Log-in Scenario):

Wireframes (Sign-up Scenario):

Design Color Scheme


Interaction Design Testing:


I asked 4 participants to walkthrough the app and point out and give me general feedback.

Through their reponses I gathered the following important insights:

  • The navigation bar at the bottom was unnecessary

  • Settings page is not needed because google log-in already has safety features

Nutria Logo Animation

I rounded up some designs that had features I would like to incoporate

UI Inspiration

Final UI Designs

The final designs don't have the bottom navigation bar for an easier UI experience as I found in testing.

I also eliminated the settings page in the final coded version but it is in the UI designs.

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© 2024 Anika Gupta

Designed by Anika Gupta

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© 2024 Anika Gupta

Designed by Anika Gupta

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© 2024 Anika Gupta

Designed by Anika Gupta